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Manifesting With Nature: Chinnabee Silent Trail

Radiate light. 

Hello to all hikers, backpackers, and outdoor enthusiasts. Somehow you have landed in my domain. It is my desire to share with you an adventure that is well worth taking. When we immerse ourselves in nature, with dedicated and proper focus, we have the ability to manifest and create anything we dream. A great place to do this is the wild and beautiful Talladega National forest.

The perfect place to to start your journey is Turnipseed campground. You can park your vehicle here for $5 a night. Make sure you bring cash for the drop box. No card accepted and the closest ATM is 20 minutes away. From here you can pick up the Chinnabee Silent Trail.
It is important to try to still your mind and calm your thoughts as you walk through the forest. Try to be present and observe everything you see. Make sure to touch the trees as you go. One mile in we come to our first destination. A beautiful waterfall where we can sit and relax. Take at least a hour to explore this area and sit by the falls. Close your eyes and listen to the water fall hit the rocks. You deserve it.
Here is a video of the falls if you would like to go there now
 Next we will follow the trail to our next destination. Take your shoes off and cross the stream. Feel the cool water on your feet as you cross the river rocks. Let the water wash away any negative energy. Climb the hill to a small shelter and make camp if you would like. You will wake up to a beautiful view in the morning if you do. 

As we continue to hike the Chinnabee Silent Trail, we will travel through the Talladega National Forest until we arrive at another magnificent  waterfall. We should try to spend as much time here as possible. Do not be in a hurry to leave. When we meditate to the sounds of nature, we activate our whole brain and tap into an abundance of knowledge that the universe has to offer. Swim in the water and be free. Most Importantly is do not rush this experience.

So whether you are looking for a place to backpack for a few days or a just wanting to take a day trip, this is a spectacular place to visit. I hope you can take the time to come here and see the forest in all its glory. Remember that we share this earth with many, so please be like Bigfoot and Leave No Trace. I believe in you. May the forest be with you always.

A map for your reference


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