You can not start living until you get dying out of the way.
I'll never forget what it felt like to truly understood the meaning of Easter. This is what I learned. It is within every human being to be able to experience their own Easter. When we take the proper path we metaphorically die and are reborn in the flesh.
"The kingdom of heaven is within you"
Heaven is a mental state of counciousness and we are meant to experience it in the flesh.
"Deny yourself and obtain the kingdom of heaven"
The meaning of this statement does not mean deny our self the pleasures of the flesh. More importantly it means denying our egoic self. When we properly do this, we kill our ego and realize our true self.
"Said I not unto you, 'Ye are God's and again, "The kingdom of heaven is within you"
One of the greatest universal truths that I have received is the realization of HOW Jesus died on the cross and not why. Jesus New that he had to die positively charged. He had to die with love in his heart. His last words were "forgive them lord, for they know not what they do". He loved his persecutors up to the moment of his death.
Our bodies are like radio antennas. If we want to know what frequency our energy is at, then pay attention to what we are thinking. Having positive affirmations can help with reversing wrong thought.
We are great
We are healthy
we are wealthy
It is very important that we meditate on HOW Jesus died on the cross. He lived and died positively charged. Try to understand the importance of this one simple truth. Meditate in silence or to the sounds of nature. Know where our energy level is at all times and guard it dearly. May the forest be with us all.
A great book by Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth is worth the read if you are interested in learning more about our ego and how to deny this part of us.
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